Count Over

This is my 300th post and while trying to figure out something phenomenal and immaculately formulated, I was struck by the situations that happened this evening.

For a friends 18th birthday (yes, she is a deal younger than us), a bunch of us gathered at Social restolounge and just hung out together-

I hadn't seen many of these people since graduation and to be perfectly honest, I was okay with that- but others that I did want to see, I was very glad that I had.

So during this 300th post, I would like to be thankful for a moment for the people who took that 13 year-long period (that in so many cases was terrible and frustrating) and made it something decent and worthwhile.

You know who you are but a tribute to you must be made. I am thankful for you:

BP, JB, AY, DC, LH, JT, RR,  ...

The list could go on for a while as I come back to thank God for each of them again.

Much love.


  1. first off,

    congratulations on 300 posts!! i struggle at writing one post every 300 days.


    I'm glad you came last night!! It was really good to see you. I hope everything continues to go well ( or at least "well" to the point where you don't want to kill yourself anymore) and hopefully we can find the energy to get together more often? I'd really like that <3

  2. Congrats on your 300th post!! Just wanted to let you know your blog posts have been most interesting and awesome to read. I think my English got slightly better too haha!


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