
You cut off the lights, you show up in black and no one can really see where you are. It’s just as you want.

You called everyone there and they are waiting with baited breath, hoping to see that they are signaled out for an important reason: knowing that they are the one.

They are not. You can’t help but see what others do not.

It was composed of people who thought highly of themselves. They didn’t see that there was more to life than a single route, one that involved them.

It was all selfishness. No one could concentrate on the here and now, it was always about what was going to hit them while they ran.

The room was spacious. It was well lit and flourished decadence and lustre, everything that these people were not. There were lush sofas, languid arches and drapes, luxurious rugs that stretched over the marble floors. It seemed as if this place were one where grand parties would be held, not unfortunate realizations.

There was Influenced over there: a short and squat man with a suit that didn’t quite fit his protruding belly, standing with his eyes taking in every aspect of the room as if gauging how much it could sell for.

There was Insecurity standing beside him, attempting to appear thouroughly unconcerned about the matter, but her slinky blue dress kept opinions fixated in other directions. She was taller than him to the point where she towered. The typical elegant turban with the flourishing plume above it and mink stole that she wore described her disgusting wealth.

It was all a lie.

Across the room was Intolerable: he was taller than the other two and groomed precisely to the point where it bordered on obsession. His well cut armani suit seemed to match his assumed personality: all money, all fabric and no wear. People were scared to associate with him and for good reason, for he protruded into the lives of the meek.

Then there, beside the marble fireplace stood a short figure with dust on his eyelashes and soot on his face. He was grubby. He was filthy as if he had been rummaging in the rubbish bin for something to return to the depot. This boy was Innocent. This boy was also naive. He was one who was walking in a world that he didn’t belong in. He would realize this as he got older.

The three adults turned to look at him sporadically over the course of their wasted evening and they stood skeptically. They were unimpressed that someone so ragged would be intruding on their moments of glory. What they didn’t realize was that their so called “glory”, was nothing to be proud of. They were empty husks dressed in finery and status, yet they did not understand the meaning of truth.

This boy had seen the hard, cold of life. This mere child had witnessed more honesty and practicality than the rest of the three put together. This person…

was their billionaire.


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