Perfectly Established

the pieces were gathered from the floor and thrust back into the pocket. they were to be kept safe until understanding and trust were established and things could be pertained as normal once again. she had reinforced her belief after being shot. things that were as they had been once were dashed. hopes were obliterated and feelings began to wither. the help of someone new was a benefit. she lost the desire to please one and gained a desire to please another. it was a view she had chosen to understand.

it was beautiful though. presence was no longer a difficulty but rather something to do. it was desired and therefore, she was happy. though now, it was a new beginning.

she was new, he was different. she loved Him, he followed also. one had pertained to a new likeness. one had established a new gradient.

Shall we give this a shot? ♥

perfect gullibility


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