The Beginning

They say (and I generally agree) that one does their best thinking at night… you know, when its that awkward point in the calendar when it isn’t quite morning and it isn’t quite evening? What happens if you revert that clock back just a little bit and throw in jet lag?

She sat at the window staring out at the pavement. There was such a feeling of contentment inside: she felt as if she was part of this place, a place where she was home. She closed her eyes and thought about her connection, but then it began to move. The scenery was sliding past the window; slowly at first but gathering speed as the end of the runway drew nearer and nearer. There was an anticipation that bordered on fear and anxiety, one that brought shivers to her arms and nightmares to her eyes.

The plane continued to gather speed: racing faster and faster to the end of the pavement until, with a graceful unfolding, it took to the sky, once more adopting it’s designated medium.

Suddenly something in her began to shift: an emotion that had not been experienced before; like a hole opening up with little hope of closing again. Moments would pass and the hole would grow and grow, pace changing to incorporate stronger feelings. Difficulty faced her in the face.

Try this one on for size.


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