Please Don't Stop

I seem to perk at the attention that you span towards me, holding my gaze, capturing my heart. You change me, every moment, every thought I am drawn to what you do, what you say… who you are. It is for the better: all I can do is stand amazed; captivated by what you show me.

I go weak when I think about you, and the place you have in my life: you’ve healed me.

My heart was once laid on the table, parts sprawled across the planks that formed the surface. There was blood, there was tears, there was extreme emotion as I was laid bare: feelings and hurt splayed right alongside my heart. What I didn’t realize was how you would come in to my life so profusely, separating the layers of dead flesh until you found the good, alive parts underneath. You took the burden I seemed to bear, you took it as your own. I cannot understand how I have not found you before, I mean, I knew of you and the challenges that you offered to those who you also loved, but i didn’t know you.

You have become simply who I am, defining my thoughts and memories to please you. I don’t want any other

Well, I know what I want and what I want is right here with you.

You’ve come in, conquered the conquest, won the war. I am now to who you are. And all i can offer is my praise.


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