
I came back from a trip to Scotland and witnessed a fantastic change in my life. It is not generally a predictable thing to go to a first world country on a mission trip, but God works in amazing and mysterious ways.

With the spreading of His word comes the desperate desire and need for prayer.

Becca (right) is the sole leader of Student Life at the University of Edinburgh. She needs strength, extra reserves of energy and the phenomenal peace of God.

Ross (left) and Kat (right) are starting up Student Life in Glasgow and need prayer for additional stamina. They need extra warriors, extra rest and extra patience.

Hadassah (left) and Andy (right) are the two students who are also giving their all to start up Student Life. They have much on their plates with regards to school work but they never cease to always give 110%. They need reassurance, comfort, peace and rest.

He alone has blessed us beyond belief; beautiful moments escalated to life changing events.

Pray for this land, these people, future works, the death of apathy. Amen.


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