a Giggle amidst the Snow-clouds

I want to lift up my sister. I want her to experience God in such an amazing and tangible way that she will have no doubt as to who to serve. I want her to follow him with no question, not hesitancy and no thought of the world.


I was having a rough day: definitely wore the wrong shoes to school, have colossal blisters on the backs of my heels. Had to walk half of the day around the University barefoot… besides looking like a total hippie, I got some really quizzical looks from various people. Though I had early morning prayer (which I love), I was up at 0515, and have been working solidly on my psychology readings… for tomorrow. I have a midterm, I am stressed, I am tired, I feel sluggish and unhealthy.

I want to go for a run and burn off all this extra weight but I have work to do.

And what does my sister do?

Prints off a picture for me: pictures say a thousand words.


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