The mysteries of Placement

Again, I’m supposed to be studying but I had another random switch of thought in my thinking. One minute I’m going on about lungs and I was thinking about breathing, connected? Not at all.

Being a christian is awesome… I mean, we totally have our garbage days where we just wanna curl into a ball and sleep, but when it comes down to it, we can sing.

I was thinking about a close friend of mine… and since he never reads this, I shall be specific. If he DOES see this one day, I hope he can see just the impact he has made in my life.

I know that sounds cheesy, but have you ever had a friend that is more of an amazing example than you could possibly hope for? This guy is in my faculty so I get to spend a lot of time with him, whether it’s studying or ignoring the prof and talking about more interesting things… I can see how his mind works, I can see the things he struggles with and how he leaps over them within a few days. I can see what excites him and how he reacts to situations that are annoying.. but never once has he lost control.

Not only has he provided amusement in joking through the snore-fest lectures, this guy has helped me grow exponentially in my own faith; he has helped me re-prioritize my life, putting Jesus above it all, he has helped me discover the bright side of even the most monotonous situations and he has shown me what it means to be genuinely humble. There are a lot of proud people out there, and I know a few who definitely put it on, but this guy has got the most admirable modesty. Anyway, my friend has been going to the gym really quite regularly over the past several weeks and I knew that he was going with another guy from the faculty, but I just thought they went to lift weights or do whatever guys do at the gym (I’m a runner/cycler… my arms cant handle things heavier than a textbook).

What I didin’t really put together was that my friend was showing this other guy Jesus in little doses. Yesterday, the last day of classes, the notorious day of drinking, the guy my friend was gym-ing it with? Accepted Jesus.

During this infamous drinking day, I met my friend at a key landmark on campus and we started walking towards the car park where the beer garden was. I could tell he had something he was itching to tell me–

Now think of his humility. He never wants to show off and be like ‘look what I’ve done’. But what blew me away was that he was able to imply in what he said that ‘the guy i went to the gym with has found Jesus, but not by me, by the grace of God’ … It’s admirable. He didn’t want the credit.

Then I look back at my own life and see how I have grown since September. Not only do I seem to have things more in order, know Jesus so much better and actually feel my life is moving with him rather than in his general direction, but I have optimism for the coming. My friend has helped me a load, and really, I am so thankful to know the guy. My own goal for so long has been to develop my humility and expand upon it and he has totally just spelled it out for me; I know what the concept looks like in action.

Thank you for the change you continue to make. Really.


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