Little Known, Great Appreciation

I’m scared about it.

But it isn’t something really all that new: I always have been. Genetics are wonderful things, but look what happens when alleles mix together in not so idyllic combinations. Such can turn into complications, complications turn into medical issues that prevent the true majesty of life from being explored and experienced to the fullest potential.

Watching children with MS scoot around in motorized wheelchairs because they cannot fully walk on their own; or if they can, it’s with a drunken gait aided by a walker. Glancing at little girls, their hands bent and crooked due to some unkindness in the womb that disallows their fingers from being fully functional. Little boys with feet turned inward due to the rotated knees that buckle and sway every time they take a precarious step.

The parents are so strong, so solid and collected that while they may still sometimes cry themselves to sleep at night, it won’t be near as often as it was initially. Life is rough– may as well get used to it.

But watching the instincts of those who help them is well gratifying and worth the painstaking effort in helping them to an appointment. Every hesitant emotion that overcomes the children in the form of patients gives them strength to seeing the brighter future.

There is nearly nothing more satisfying than watching a little child stumble unsteadily down the hall into the treatment room and emerge walking with a smooth stride. Their once unbalanced and what looked to be dangerous movement corrected by properly applied braces.

They go from moving like an old person to regaining their childhood.

Yeah, I’d say its worth it.


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