This one second: Lennon and McCartney had a Dece Idea...

Being a human, we all yearn for love… that’s just what we do. Whether its from God, another person, a dog, a plant, a family member, a friend– well you get the picture. I think that being a girl, it seems that much more heightened. So many of us try and make themselves presentable with things like makeup and fancy clothes and smoothened skin and hair and… the list can go on and on… and what is it for? To perk attention. To draw gazes. To look for someone who will think they’re pretty enough with the whole marriage and children and complete life drawing them in.

Shallow? Of course it is. Regular? You betcha. And that’s whats so hard to deal with. It’s strange to think that love has such a monumental niche that is set into our society– you’re single? You must not be loved. Well that sucks. What if I like being single?

Again, from what I’ve seen, girls are definitely the worst for that. They say that boys want respect and girls want love… and really, I can see that. But take a step back and look at the big picture.

We were created in the image of a God who is so phenomenal and exquisite and different and unique and.. well.. beautiful. And in the reality of all things, he is in love. Yes. The God of the universe who fashioned you together kinda has a thing for you. But wait. Let me take a step back and you can kinda put this into my personal context.

So Fifa is going on at the moment and as much as people are pretending to be on bandwagons, some are legitimately riveted when their team comes to the screen (0r field, but very few of the people I know are in South Africa at the moment). Yes, being English, I root for England– and not just because they’re awesome and have Peter Crouch (the infamous Beanpole Striker) but I mean, the country is just brilliant. If you haven’t been, then you must simply go for the sake of all that is good.

Anyways, the game that England played against Algeria, it just so happens that our favorite royalty happened to be there. Yep, William and Harry were sitting in the stands, cheering on the good guys while they pushed rocks towards the others. Girls may swoon and fawn over William, but there is something about red hair that just puts Harry a notch above his brother when it comes to my personal preference.

Now imagine, I finish my undergrad, I conclude my celebratory vacation and pack my bags, heading for England. I spend six months in London working at the hospital, embracing the expensive city and all the beauty it expels. The magnificence leeches out of the wood and stonework like music from the opera house, filling the air with infectious hunger that draws you in to the ageless fantasticism. As I finish off a friday evening with a few friends at the pub, who walks in but our red-haired gem (though without Chelsy Davy) and sits down with a pint to start talking to us?

The likelihood is probably a gajillion to nil, but for the sake of daydreaming, let us pretend. I wouldn’t expect him to have feelings for anyone at my table, much less me. As ridiculous as it sounds (he’s only a guy… and what is a title in heaven… really?) I would think myself inadequate or not particularly worthy to be with a guy who is third in line for the throne. I wouldn’t expect anything to happen because of who he is and… well… how many people know him.

I know that sounds daft, but let me link things together. So referring back to my first post– this is Jesus Christ we are talking about. You know, the one who quells the ocean’s tantrums, launches lightening and carves canyons? Yes, this man, who has so many different facets to who he is, loved me enough to give everything he was for me so that I may live life without having to be afraid of dying. He took all the crap that I had done in my past and will do in my future and he made a nice little bonfire and set me free.

And the choker on that one is that he didn’t even see me literally, at the time. He took a gamble and did this without regarding who I was personally, giving everything he had.

Now, I thought Prince Harry was unattainable, but the one who freakin’ created the constellations (I have a slight fettish with astronomy) ? The one who cared enough about the ground that he covered it with blades of grass? All intricate with different root systems and paths?

What do you mean, he died for me? haha you’re joking.

What? No? … Really? Because of… love?


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