
There are some things in life that people take for granted and a large one is usually the friends who help them through the most difficult times in their lives.

These past months, I have redfined a World War as every molecule in my body was pressed to battle another. It has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least, one moment giddy with euphoria, the next feeling like I was at the bottom of the barrel looking up wondering who was there to help me out.

It was these moments, sitting on those wooden slats, curved walls looming above me, that I was the most difficult to live with... and really, I know that. I have been a jerk, I have overreacted to the littlest things ever, but grace has kept me whole.

I am at war still, but I have some of the most incredible allies a girl could ever hope to have. Before I start rambling off on something I don't really understand, I want to put them out there.

Three boys who have made my life easier to cope with: one is my lyricist and big brother. One is my bodyguard and the most enjoyable person to have philosophical discussions with and the third is my voice of reason and one of my best friends ever.

There have been a couple girls who have helped me but one girl has stood up form me and has snubbed him to make me laugh when I most needed it. She is probably one of the most talented people I know, she knows exactly what to say, when to say it and what type of tea to drink with it and she happens to be one of the most british girls I know.

I love these people so much. They are on here to understand it. Without you I would not be as I am today. Thank you dearly.


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