Recapping and Re-sewing

Saturday was remarkable – so many good things happened that it is hard to begin to express my utter joy at the blessings that I have been shown.

I woke at six that morning, regarded the clock across my room, shook my head at the time and silently told myself ‘fifteen more minutes‘. Unfortunately, these fifteen minutes turned into two and a half hours and before I knew it, my mum was opening my door saying ‘Megan! Wake up! Mark is at the door!’

Let me rewind… I really quite enjoy hiking; you find yourself isolated from your busy life and completely enveloped in the beauty of the wildnerness.

When I was much younger, we went hiking up a trail in Banff that led up the side of Sulphur mountain. The trail is entierely composed of switchbacks but once the summit is breached, the view is remarkably breathtaking.

Anyways, I know a friend of mine who seems to thrive on hiking in all sorts of areas in and around Banff and Kananaskis area and I came to the conclusion that although I really love experiencing the infrequent good weather to hike, I don’t do nearly enough of it. In this realization, I decided that I really want to be able to get out and experience this to a greater degree in the next few months before the weather turns horible as only Calgary weather embraces so thoroughly.

About three weeks ago, after such an inspiring thought, off to facebook I went to start an event where a bunch of us (it ended up being six) were going to climb Sulphur mountain, just on the skirt of banff; the very once I did back in my childhood. I made sure to tell everyone to be there promptly at nine am sharp and not a second later.

Mark (the hiker) arrived early that morning at precisely eight thirty… and que mother coming into the room to wake me up. After scrambling to get ready and grabbing my sack that I had packed the evening before (thank goodness), I was ready to go at nine o’two. So close to being on time and little did I know that I wouldn’t be living that one down anytime soon.

We dropve up into the park and our destination, got out of the vehicle and after a few preparations (in checking gondola tickets and bathroom breaks) we began up the path. Some switchbacks were steeper than others but the trip was an all around excellent work-out as the heat of the day was just beginning to set upon us. Most of us were sweating quite profusely by the time the hike was well in and everytime we removed our sacks, we were rewarded with a cool breeze lowering our body temperatures.

It wasn’t the walk up, it wasn’t the excellent lunch that I had packed five minutes before leaving the house (in my hurried state), it wasn’t the ice cream that happened to be one of the most satisfying ones I had ever had. It was the scene before me once I reached the top and the absolute wonder that He put into my eyes as I was able to more substantially behild His amazing glory.

Getting to the peak and peerking out made me realize that we are insignificant pieces of bone and flesh but by Him, we aren’t as useless as we may think in such spell-binding circumstances. He wanted me enough that He let me into his way of thinking for a moment, to not only humble me but to open my eyes that much more to Him.

From the mountain I witnessed the results of sitting on a rock and splitting one’s pants, spilling a venti-sized starbucks cup filled with raspberry flavoured iced tea over the second set of pants and what happens when one gets over zealous and catapaults himself down a mountain (I mean 1000 ft in 20 minutes? that deserves an award) : ankle rolling.

Pitas and golf and bromine saturdated water later, I came to the conclusion that days off go way too quickly and that I need to always remember to carry an extra bra with me when water is concerned– having to wear your bathing suit when it is sodden and donning two shirts overtop gives the impression that one is lactating and that isn’t at all desirable.

In conclusion? Hiking= good. Alex = hilarious. Saturday = fantastic.


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