Keep Me

I went on my prayer walk yesterday; it helped me to get my head wrapped around a lot of different things and while I won't specify the fine details on here (this is my faith walk, you as the reader have to go experience your own revelations) what I will share is a moment about what I saw.

I have been at our condo in BC for the past 6 ish days and the weather has been entirely unreliable: if it was sunny for ten minutes, just enough for me to whip on my bathing suit and grab the blanket in which to sun myself to sleep on the grass, it would cloud over and begin to rain.

And rain.

And rain some more until it came down in such a steady drip that it began to pour.

As I prepared for the trip, I had hoped that I would be able to sleep out in the sun, soak up as much relaxation in sleeping my long overdue and over-tired body (catching some rays and tanning would be super high up on the list too =]). Yesterday morning turned out differently than the previous however.

Saturday, I told my family that on Wednesday, I would be setting aside a few hours to walk and pray (a prayer-walk... fancy that!) and just spend some time connecting with God.

So I went. I asked my mum to wake me up as she was leaving the condo to go golfing (at 6:45... yeughh!) and set out. The fog that covered the valley was amazing- so thick one could almost cut it with a knife but the marvelling beauty that struck me as I was making my way towards Main Street caught me off guard.

Between the swaths of milky-looking fog, a pure and flawless cyan sky was just seen past the silhouettes of evergreens against the mountain. The branches on the trees were so pronounced that you could practically see the individual pine-needles as they were outlined against such a sky. And the mountain-- that impressive and solid rock formation that never seems to awe me. To think that this is a very large pebble that God has played around with like a four-year-old would play with playdough. The cool part though was that the fog was flowing about in tendrils and moving as streamers caught by the wind. It was so marvellous that mere words cannot do justice to the crazy wonderful creativity that my Lord has.

Anyways, while on this walk, I came to a waterfall that went past the canyon. Me being the gal I am, related it to how grace never seems to run out. I sat watching the water patterns for who-knows how long I was continuously struck by how the swirls and eddies never ceased nor stayed the same for any period of time greater than a few milliseconds.

Who are we to demand Him to come into our lives as in accordance to our plan? Who are we to even establish a plan of our own when we are simply the performers of his great script? We are here for a purpose greater than what we can understand and when we mess up a line, that waterfall of grace holds us so tightly we won't be condemned.

He has supplied all means so that despite my flaws, despite how dry and parched I get in this world, the amazing Spirit is there to bring me back to the waterfall. He brings me back over and over again to his love saying Don't worry about messing up. I'm still in love with you.

The idea of a perfect relationship doesn't even match that never-ending flow of beauty and mercy and grace and love.

My soul, Lord to you surrendered,
All I am is yours.


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