keep the reality within focus while embracing the disobedient

But it is those hours in the wee parts of the morning when one thinks most profoundly and to the speed and quality that would be deemed creative by those who glance at reality from afar.

If not for the intense and monumental lack of rest, the mind wouldn't be reeling so-- yet here I stand, a stranger in my own mind, trying to figure out the difference between logic and intelligence versus emotion.

What if the connection between the two is a barricade, one which cannot be breached? That with the combination of cognitive smarts and experience that works to dissuade, disprove and disillusion the works of the delinquent as they trundle about the recesses, trying to ponder the great mysteries of the wild chase of hope, one would reach a stalemate? Despise what makes sense, it would still be unique and unfortunate; scarring takes place in the mind.

But again, what if it was a thin line between the two? What if this separation was so faint that it could easily be swayed one direction or another allowing easy access over it? Would we all look at each other and say 'This is not good' or embrace the potential and run full out towards the final lap?

The problem is completing this final length though- the intelligence pushes you to push yourself: to run, to churn your legs and feet in such a way that it would be nigh impossible for another to keep pace with you as you barrel it out towards that last line of tape.

Sadly however, the emotional stumbling block hinders the normal and panting acumen that would otherwise accomplish winning to the quickest potential. This block slows the individual down, causing others to trip over and confusion to be the primary, etched thought in their minds.


She said that when the lady opened the box, sins and pain flew out- greed, deceit, theft, lust... but amongst those was the bright yet devious concept of hope. Hope held in places undesired was a hinder to the beginnings of new life. It was the brown to the green of faith as things would keel over and under, trying to get away from the small star of peace that was promised along with the enchanting look.

But again, as the two forces battled it out, intelligence was the strengthened power; the unfortunate reality however was that passion and those rather devious inner feelings refused to relent including that sneaky hope, the one which whispered things to her ear.

You know it could work. You know that it is a possibility. You know that the likelihood to actually trip and fall is minimal that you wouldn't scrape yourself up... too much... 

They still harrowed her mind where the centre of intelligence took rule as well as that thudding pound of flesh that lurked in her heart. Most particularly the last.

Let us think clearly and concisely- are we able to do that now?
Are we able to move past the virtual gong-show that seems to be waging war inside our already rickety and trialed bodies?

Prayer- that is what will get us to where we need to go.


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