Once Again

After moments of grandeur, one is always brought back into reality with an unsightly bump-
The honesty is regarded (not necessarily liked) and things are distinguished between the good and right all the while regarding the holy.

We are not asked to be a flawless people as we are conveniently allowed to mess up to show how we are able to pick up the socks, ask for forgiveness and carry on. It's life. One must learn to deal. Click it.

And when you stare that frustration and pain in the face, you realize just how much you want to grab it by the ears and push it away.
Not ever do you peer at the lips and long for them as not only would that be unusual but ever so slightly masochistic; but does it not make sense to welcome the face value of such circumstances, and walk alongside, learning rather than circumnavigate?


Stop for a moment and really peer into the depths of the truth that you want to see. Take a second and pause as you really honestly hold yourself quiet. Just listen. Just be. Just experience the reality of Him as He knows what you do. Feel. Think. Long for.


Long for. As you can put it in a more solid, complex and honest way- what do you long for? That embrace? That feeling of comfort? That desire that seems to keel you over as you wait upon time and Him to show the complexities of your life? To take it by the ears but not send it away. To give it that sloppy kiss; have your heart beat violently inside of your chest. You.
Stop and think. Stoop and ponder. Wonder.



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