
From my friends, I have heard some amazing things about what happened to them at Wintercon last year and I must admit, I feel the same excitement that I'm sure they did as they prepared for it.

I'm sure that I'll have a rather fantastic time - I have a good friend coming down from Alaska, I have two more of my good friends coming from Manitoba, I have a friend coming from Scotland where I met him in February on my missions trip... there is a potential for great things to be done over those days: not just because I get to see them but because of the community that we will be so real over those 3-4 days.

And then I think about the people who had such amazing things happen last and the year before. Would they have lowered expectations so as to not get themselves into a tizzy of pure excitement but apprehension?

I think that people (myself entirely included!) will make what they will of it - the sheer opportunity to spend time with friends, to grow more elaborate in God, learning to put themselves forward for His purpose...

It can either be something below standards or it can be something above and beyond the call of duty, just depending on how they decide to use their time and how they strive to connect with God.

It won't just be a time of no school and partying - I actually want to grow and I will try to really accentuate that as I spend time with my close friends during Wintercon.

Yeah, I'm excited... and staying in a hotel with no bedtime definitely adds to that too.


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