Ramblings of a Mind not on Welfare

Every moment is one which is different, every time I think about it, it grows in my mind: it swells like waves before a storm- ever turbulent, never ceasing... though I know it must be put out. The focus is not here, it is elsewhere on more influential and important aspects but this keeps turning up- like phrases that penetrate the consciousness. They tend to stick, solid and beautiful words but terrible in their unrelenting sense. Oh, how I love these words! But in self-agreeance, this would indeed be easier if things moved one step at a time. And why wouldn't they? I know what is practical and know how to act on it. Why is it so peculiar to remove oneself and view things objectively?

Please. Please stay about.

Need to keep telling myself that things won't ever be perfect but really, how am I supposed to work around this and more importantly, thoughts, when I am so unsure?
Going from absolute solidity to hesitance.
When I'm present it makes sense.
When I think, it does not.
Maybe I should stop thinking?

I think it would be better if things followed some degree of certainty: or at least consistant uncertainty. I think it would also be better if things went along some sort of conventional path, but I know that these cannot just become this way.

I know this. I know this. I know this.

Though parts of me ask: Do you know?Do you know the struggle that is actually occurring? Do you know of the potential reality which hasn't struck you this hard? Do you know what you are thinking? Do you know what I am saying?

And I sit. And peer at the screen, mind a-wandering over hill and dale... wow. How tangential.

In response to question one: Because it's you and you don't want to. Go Let It Out and remember to Speak Slow.


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