Random Moments of Early Porportion

And yet in her own way, while she stared down the wall, there was, she discovered, something good that would come of the patience and self-control. Of course the end would justify the pain it took to get there but at the end of the tunnel there seemed to be light.

But 'seemed' is a very important word not only in that sentence but in the entire context of the situation as a whole. The faith that would be required in order to maintain even a moderate degree of sanity would be profound.

School would overtake once again.
Family would increase the demand.
Friends would expect time and presence.

Run. Was what her head screamed at her. But she couldn't. The malicious internal caterwauling that she longed to silence was of new decibel level, one which would wriggle its way between her ears to snuggle comfortably into her mind.

Struggle indeed.

Deep breathes. Close your eyes. You have been covered - you have been taken out of this cyclical mess of frustration and aggravation. You have someone who will listen to you talking and complaining and crying ceaselessly and he is always around.

Alright, one step forwards.


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