Engines On.

Her fingers traced the silken ripples that spread out from the tips, marvelling at the serenity and wholesome completion that composed such a picture. There was something fascinatingly tantalizing about water - how it held this ability to encompass an individual, having them entirely submerged in it's medium where there was no distinguishable sound, no scent, no tastes to encounter save for that of either tangy chlorine or the grimacing over-saltiness. She could just sit at the bottom, the gritty floor of the pool rubbing against her thighs as she crossed her legs to just sit.

To sit and to stop thinking. Stop being bombarded by new endeavours, new modifications, new challengers. Though don't for a moment think that she did not enjoy being a part of such static changes, but there was that point where she grew tired of the drama, tired of the complications that inevitably arose.

But to run away was foolish - what would that accomplish her? She would simply displace the problems for a fake sense of security and this was hardly any better with simply dealing with the issues to begin with.

Her mind began to extrapolate upon the broader circumstances to have them include a grander scale of things. Yes, to run would be silly. To avoid the problems would be typical but irresponsible at this point. She had little other choice but to face the music and decide whether to dance or not.

Let us take one step at a time, she said to herself. Things will even and pan out, keep the momentum going.

Then he walked in. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. She was thankful that he was there for active distraction, blessing indeed.

On a perfectly unrelated side-note, I pine for the rain. I wish for this cold weather to disperse and to walk about in my trench and umbrella while splashing in puddles and letting the imagination absolutely soar in the sky with the rain clouds. We all think we live in fairy tales, walking in a dream world and seeing things that hardly exist in the starkness or life, but isn't it time to face reality and get down to work (most particularly, homework)?

20 more minutes, mum.


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