Walk It and Talk It

While away in East Asia, a friend and role-model showed this to us during one of our family prayer times. My heart just melted; this is our - and my personal - mandate and we are called to move mountains; he has given us the tools and we do not use them.

I'm sick of that. It is time that we put faith into practice, that we stand up and that we refuse to sit back down. Stop being lukewarm. Spend that time with God everyday- He's the creator of the universe and we push him aside for tv or books or computer? I'm not just on a soapbox, I'm just as guilty as everyone else, but I have found that deep desire to change and am seeking the means to do so. 

I am in love with the one who saved me - I want to connect with him everyday, now more so than ever because I Have Seen His Work. So have you. In everything we do, everything we say - let's honestly, just trust him for a little. This little will turn into habit and it will become our very being. Our walk. Walk in faith. 

It's not easy. But that's why we pray. 


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