Random thoughts and other scattered bits of rubbish

The excitement that comes from seeing a message in one's inbox is substantial. It's another matter entirely when you realize it's actually someone you don't want to then talk to; waiting for messages from particulars is worthy of nail-biting.

You don't realize how much you miss a culture until you hit the sad imitation of it's food.

Face it Megan, your eyelashes will never be long and curled nicely. They will always stick straight outa your head in that rather unfortunate manner.

It's surprising just how interesting bioethics is- of course, this is a student speaking after lecture one in the summer semester. This is of course likely subject to change.

It's taking all my strength to keep calm and patient. These are things I must continue to pray fervently for.

I wonder how long it will take before I learn consistency. Is this a blessing or a curse? I am unsure... it would certainly make studying and the like easier if it was of steady patterns though!

Missing friends is like missing your recently cut off hair- you notice it when you run your hands through it, which is several times a day but you realize that it is indeed for the better. After all, it's really hot in the summer time. What summer has to do with that, I don't know.

Starting a foreign currency jar was an excellent idea; I am pleased at how it is growing.

I have 19 books to read... interesting ones too, yet here I am reading textbooks. I just can't catch a break!

I can say that I am really and truly incredibly blessed- how on earth did this happen? Thank you for loving me.

It's odd when there are times where nothing goes wrong. I have a feeling that this is the calm before the storm, but I love rain so even that can't be that bad. It's amazing where you go with some faith, some hope and decent amounts of perseverance.



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