
And all of a sudden, he is standing there at the end of a garden path before a trellis. He wears a black tux, face warm and smiling, anticipation etched into each angle of his face. He looks the same as your memory yet ever so slightly changed.

And you see the back of a woman who looks and you take to be, yourself. Hair piled at the back of her neck and off to the side, a cascade of curls and flowers. Her back is bare above the white hem of the dress and you see her sweep forwards, train fanning slightly behind her. She turns her face slowly and 

as soon as there is some possibility for you to see her expression, the scene is gone.

I would like to know what that meant. Was it a figment of a random thought that surfaced only to my imagination, was that Darkness trying to draw me away from You or was that something that would happen? It's never been so vivid.
This is an excellent opportunity for me to continue praying; now is not the time to focus on this.


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