Day 1 - Spiritual Realities part 1

Jesus has called His followers to be lights in a world of darkness. Like all other peoples around the world, Muslims have to deal with certain evil and invisible spiritual relates that manifest themselves in various religious and cultural ways. All societies, including Islamic and Western ones, are influenced and at times dominated by these harmful Spiritual realities (1 John 5:19). Overcoming these forces can frequently only be accomplished by people who do things 'in the opposite spirit'.
Jesus has not only taught this, but also has shown us His way through the cross. In His weakness He actually manifested strength. At the cross, the pride of Empire and religion tried to destroy him, yet the outcome was that it manifested His ultimate loving intention toward all men. God has commanded us: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good" (Romans 12:21).
In praying for Muslims and in living with them in our increasingly interconnected world, we need to exhibit the life of God. The enemy pushes us as believers toward fear and suspicion of Muslims. If we allow ourselves to be motivated by fear, self-preservation, and suspicion instead of faith, hope and love, we will not be able to bring the Gospel to Muslims. 

Prayer Ideas:
Today and tomorrow we ask you to worship the Lord. Draw near to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from us. Then pray for the following subjects for yourself and Muslims in your town, city, region, or country.

  • Where there is pride -- humility:

Lord, root out any pride within me concerning my attitudes towards Muslims. Liberate Muslims in my area from religious pride. Bring us all to humility before you. (Proverbs 8:13, 16:18, 29:23)

  • Where there is religiousness -- relationship:
Lord, help me not to be religious but to actually live and walk with You. Help any Muslims in my area to come to know You and not simply follow religious activities. (John 17:3) 

  • Where there is legalism -- freedom:

Lord, help me to walk in the freedom of Your Spirit. Help me to be someone who brings real liberty of the Spirit to Muslims. (Matthew 7:3-5)

  • Where there is suspicion -- trust:

May we as believers be people who create trust so that Muslims may believe and turn to the Messiah. (Acts 16:14)

 -- All text from 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World


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