Day 15 - Surat in Gujarat, India - Today is India's Independence Day

Worldwide, the Dwoodi Bohra Shi'a Muslims number about one million. They reside mostly in the western Indian state of Gujarat, Pakistan, the Middle East and East Africa. In India, the Dawoodi Bohras are recognizable by their dress: men wear beards and white, gold-rimmed caps with long white kurtas, and woman wear colourful, embroidered two-piece bhurkas. 

Surat, in Gujarat State, is typically known as the capital city for Dawoodi Bohras. Situated on the banks of the river Tapi, the ancient port city of Surat is renowned for its fine skis, exquisite brocades and spice trade. Surat was one of the most prosperous cities in India in the 17th and 18th centuries. The East India Company established its first warehouses in Surat in 1612. The world 'Bohra' is derived from the Gujarti 'vohorvu', meaning, 'to trade'. Most Bohras are merchants in different arenas of business.

The state of Gujarat has faced natural calamities such as droughts, cyclones, floods and earthquakes in the last decade. Surat was greatly affected by the earthquake and flood that destroyed so much of Gujarat, and has experienced multiple communal riots. Surah is a volatile city- tensions between Hindus and Muslims are known to flare frequently. Riots take place on the slightest pretext, properties are destroyed and lives are taken without mercy.

Surat is a very significant city to the Dawoodi Bohras since it is where all the religious workers for the Bohras are training for ministry. There is a well-known Bohras university specifically equipped for this purpose. Top students come from all over the community and it is an honour to be selected and trained in this university. The Bohra community is set apart, isolated and unreached by the Gospel. For a few years, a team has been praying and asking the Lord for people to be released to reach out to the Bohras and other Muslims of Surat. At the moment, very little Christian work is taking place. Surat is a city badly in need of the light of the Gospel. May peacemakers sow a harvest of righteousness among the Muslims of Surat.

Prayer Ideas:

  • Worship the Lord our provider, Jehovah Jireh (Genesis 22:14). Pray against the spirit of materialism that permeates the lives of Bohras. Ask the Lord to reveal Himself as the Perfect Provider.
  • Pray that God would move supernaturally among the Bohras in Surat. Pray that they would reeve dreams and visions of the living God.
  • Ask the Lord of the harvest for more workers to come and live amongst the Bohras. Pray for wisdom for the leaders. Pray that the right people would join the work.
  • Pray for an attitude of humility among the Bohras.
  • Pray that the Prince of Peace would calm the tensions between Muslims and Hindus in Gujarat. Both will need to learn the way of peace. 
All text from 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World


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