Day 7 - Muslims in New York City

God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, because he as fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead.
-- Acts 17:31

In the summer of 2010, the whole world had its eyes directed towards New York City. A new mosque was being proposed just two blocks away from the September 11 'Ground Zero' site in lower Manhattan. Suddenly the entire country knew that there were Muslims in New York City -- possibly 600,000, as well as over 100 mosques. In 1970, there were fewer than ten mosques in New York. One mosque, located four blocks from 'Ground Zero,' even lost several of its members in that infamous terrorist attack in 2001. 

No matter what people may think and feel about Muslims building a mosque near the 'Ground Zero' site, we as believers are all called to pray for the accomplishing of God's purposes among the Muslims of New York City. He is certainly calling many Muslims into His eternal Kingdom. Jesus' blood was shed for them. Let's pray for Muslims in the New York City area.

Prayer Ideas:

  • Search your own heart concerning September 11. Has the even made you bitter, prejudiced and angry towards Muslims in general? (Hebrews 12:15)
  • Pray for the families who have lost loved ones in the September 11 attacks. Pray that they will be able to make peace with the past and be ready to move forward with the rest of their lives, leaving any bitterness behind. God is the only one who can bring help to the families who suffered these losses.
  • Pray for members of the Muslim community in New York who have suffered prejudice and abuse as a result of the attacks simply for being Muslim.
  • Remember that there is a spiritual battle in the heavens for the salvation of the many Muslims in New York. They need deliverance from the guilt and shame of sin, from the power of death and from fear. 'For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, agains the world forces of this darkness, agains the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places' (Ephesians 6:12). Proclaim Hebrews 2:14 over the city.
  • Pray for Muslims in the New York area to discover the truth about the Messiah through friendships with believers, through supernatural intervention, radio, television, internet, books, tracts, DVDs or reading the bible.
  • Pray for the churches in New York, for Christians from all over New York to reach out to their Muslim neighbours.
-- All text from 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World


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