Testimonies From Turkey!

A young woman from a conservative Muslim background is now a follower of Christ. her brother heard of this, but was sure she would soon return to Islam. When he saw that she hadn't, he demanded that she renounce her faith and say the Islamic creed. She refused, and he grabbed a metal rod and threatened to kill her. The family stopped him but her mother sobbed and pleaded with her to say the creed. She finally did, but deeply regretted it afterward. When she shared her sorrow with another Turkish believer, her friend explained that the Apostle Peter also denied Jesus, but was forgiven and restored. She has now experienced this same grace and says, 'I never want to deny the Lord ever again.'


A recently baptized believer just out of prison was greatly troubled by questions which another person brought up about the reliability of the New Testament. he said he was full of doubts and fell asleep with a Bible next to his bed. In the middle of the night he was awakened by a man who pointed to the Bible and said, 'Don't be afraid. Read my book. I'm always with you.' Later, he realized it was Jesus who had spoken to him, and he was greatly encouraged.


A family was concerned for Sait, a 40-year-old relative who was mental disturbed and constantly paced the streets of their town. In a desperate attempt to find help, they rented a car and brought him to a community of believers in a large city led by a Turkish pastor named Ali. Said was filthy and had a long unkempt geared, urine-stained pants and fingernails over an inch long. he couldn't talk and was obviously not in his right mind. The relatives asked Ali if he could do anything to help. he replied, 'Jesus can, but you must believe He can.' They said, 'If we didn't believe He could help, would we have come five hours to see you?' This was a good enough answer for Ali, and he wen tup to the bearded man, gave him a big hug and prayed for him. Said then amazed them by becoming coherent and speaking for the first time in five years! A week later, Ali and the believers got a phone call from his family saying he was now cleaned up, eating well, no longer wandering the streets and still in his right mind.

All text from 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World


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