Welcome to Morning

The difference isn't in height, it's in depth and width. It's in magnitude and substantiality. It's in strength and colour and comfort and patience. It's in forgiveness, acceptance and goodness. It's redeeming when I mess up - not if but when. It's not allowing but guiding, constructive and intelligent.
It's active, distinct and remarkable.

It's a love that causes me to sing from my window like someone from a musical, to smile when I venture to the seabeds. It's a love that makes my heart race but gives me calm like nothing else.
It's bigger, prettier, more encompassing, more firm and strong than anything else than I can possibly imagine.

Why would I want anything else?

Shout for joy to the Lord, earth. 
Serve this same Lord as a happy people and come to Him singing with this joy.
Know that He is the only God.
It is He who made us and we're His people, the sheep for the Him, the Shepherd.
Come to Him in His courts as a thankful people and singing praise.
Thank Him for every breath, give Him total props!
God is good and His love lasts forever.
He is faithful and loyal through every generation.
-- Psalm 100


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