Expose and be Honest

I bumped into a website with these statements listed on it. The page itself is called 50 Dating Rules for Smart Girls Who Don't Need Dating Rules - now I don't generally even peer at these due the frequently boring content but the title was intriguing. Some of the following are brilliant... yes there are the typical 'power to the women' bits but others are well thought out.

This isn't just for women either; it is just as much for men to know that there are women who are sick of following the 'social norms' of society and even more women who realize that romance films and novels are impractical and shan't ever follow normal life. These select are the better ones worth repeating.

  1. We're independent, pay our own bills, change our tires and still want to be held; vulnerability makes you strong.
  2. Love is only as complicated as we make it.
  3. Everything you need to know about him, will reveal itself.
  4. Respect is minimum, disrespect is where to draw the line.
  5. Femininity is our gift, use it wisely.
  6. Sex and the City is a work of fiction, not a guide for life.
  7. Don't play hard to get, Be hard to get.
  8. Waiting for him to make the first move? Ask him out.
  9. A breakup does not equal breakdown. Can I get an AMEN?
  10. Confidence is sexy; independence is even sexier.
  11. Maybe you're just not that into HIM.
  12. Being a size 0 won't make him like you and if it does... he's a jerk!
  13. Relationships are hard work; know this and fall in love anyway
  14. Speaking your mind won't scare off the right guy, it will make him fall more.
  15. If you treat a first date like an interview, it will feel like one.
  16. You can only control one thing in a relationship: yourself.
  17. There is so much excitement in getting to know someone... take your time.
  18. A smile is the best introduction.
  19. Don't settle for less than butterflies.
  20. At the end of the day, be honest about how you feel and walk away. If he's the one, he'll run to catch you.


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