Time Wasting.

So sitting on the third floor of the Digital Library, people watching is a huge time-passer. I'm at a substantially sized computer but from around the beast of a screen, I see a guy who looks a year or so younger than me dressed in a suit with an underarmor water bottle on the table beside his macbook. He looks well put together and seemingly high in 'Dad's funding' but honestly bored as he is obviously screwing around on his phone rather than with the textbook that is open on his lap, propped agains the desk.

A girl and her friend walk up - the one is a typical hipster with large black framed glasses and a thick, woolen scarf which is a rather interesting shade of mustard. The girl she is with is quite a different story: no baggy 'indie' clothes for her as she's decked in remarkably tight lu lu lemon yoga pants and a tank top that not only adheres to every curve of her body (not that there were many, she was rather stick-like) but had such a low cut that if she bent over, I'm fairly certain every guy on the floor would automatically have his head whipped around. Yes, she was blonde. Yes she looked like a 'beach-babe' and had sparkles on her cheek bones, but really? I'm not really into the whole 'plastic' look myself.

The girls mutter things to each other and hipster wanders off. Barbie is left standing at the desk, twirling her hair, pouting her lips and fluttering her eyelashes all the while.

So underarmor boy notices her leaning audaciously against the desk and walks up to her. I think he offered her his single chair at the table and she quickly refuses and goes back to scanning the floor. Hipster returns with a wicker block in which she then sits on and the two girls proceed to work.

I really had to bite my lip to stop from giggling. 
It looked like 'Mr. Popular' was turned down, which is rough for him but the thing that just amuses me to no end is how he approached her; can you say abrupt and direct?

The human race fascinates me - it's a shame that one can't be paid for randomly making up spontaneous stories about the specimens viewed through day-to-day life.

On a completely different note, what is it with men and blondes? 


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