Pondering Events is never as it seems

Tuesday was an interesting day. It was my last day onsite for my Community Health clinical and I finished at eleven in the morning. I went back to the university and was reminded of a rather heartbreaking situation.

A friend and I were studying in the Digital Library and in doing so for any extended period of time, one finds the desire to dash off to the bathroom about once every three hours or so (or at least you do when you drink as much as I do). One one of these adventures, I heard a girl from the large handicap stall quietly throwing up.

Now as a nurse, I am sad to say that I can understand vomit, particularly when related to illness. Let me enlighten you (and please for those who get sick easily, stop reading for a bit): when one has the flu it is significantly more violent in nature and the retching and heaving are more vocal. In regards to eating disorders, it's far more quiet and calm

How heartbreaking.

There is a saying that you can never be too rick or too skinny. This is a blatant lie - I can name countless individuals who have become rich and they're just unhappy. Look to Hollywood for the most obvious of examples. Here are a group of men and women who look like they're enjoying life but at the end of the day when they go back to their big ole mansion in Beverly Hills with only bank notes for company, how can anyone see this as joy?

As for the 'too skinny' matter. Actually, yeah you can.

Not only is it not healthy, but you can actually die from it. If not from liver failure then kidney failure or abnormal bone fractures or problematic digestion... the list goes on and on. I'm not saying that being slight is bad - I've got a smaller frame and quick metabolism but why do people think that this is so attractive? When bones poke out and their knees and elbows look like bulging lumps in places they shouldn't be? It's so sad.

What happened to the days when there was higher emphasis on real sized and shaped women?

Much like this.

Now by no means am I saying go wild with the burgers and shakes. Everything in moderation, but is there really that big of a deal if you can actually see the shape in a person rather than the frame that should be buried inside of them? Rather than a game of 'find the bone', wouldn't it be nice if people were happy with who they are?

Who you are should be defined by more than what people think of you. Insecurities stem from inside, I can totally relate (more than you know) but where does your confidence stem from?


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