Removing Distractions

I have come to the conclusion that I am going to try something rather difficult.

As of Saturday at 0900h, I am going to be giving up social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Skype, texting) until the following Saturday at 0900h... I am realizing more and more each day that there are so many distractions that pull me away from the places my attention needs to be focused. I am excited for the week for 3 reasons:

  1. I get to spend some solid time with Jesus - quiet time is going to be stellar as there won't be the regular distractions that cause my mind to wander. There are a bunch of things that I not only need to think and reflect on, but to listen to Him, and see what His plan is for me for the next five months.
  2. I have a few major assignments due after the break - to get a solid hand on them will definitely put me ahead and reduce some stress! Let's go!
  3. I have to clean my bathroom. This is a daunting task as the cleaning lady who comes like once every 3 or so months just doesn't do so good of a job. Alright Mr. Clean and Windex - we're gonna whip this tile and glass into shape! Bathroom bootcamp (haha). 
Here is walking forward with optimism and hope for the future. Excitement at the prospect of what could happen and prayer for the inevitable challenges placed before me. 


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