
I am a huge fan of joy. Not just the song (that's pretty good too) but the trait and characteristic.

Nehemiah 8:10b - the joy of the Lord is your strength. We follow after a God who actually cares about His creation; He doesn't turn His back and survey things from afar thinking that maybe one day those people on earth will sorta want to know Him and what He did. Fortunately for us, this is not even close.

It's that constant pursuit of those whom He loves - seeing earnestly after those He made. How fantastic is this?

If we take that verse in Nehemiah at it's value and use that joy that we have in the knowledge that we are no longer condemned, that we are no longer floundering in our darkness, no longer destined to die...

That gives me joy. Through that, it gives me strength. All I have left to say in those moments of despair and frustration is bring it on.


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