Start at the Stare

I think we often forget just how blessed we are. We do things in life that are so scheduled and typical to our week that we forget how magnificently we are blessed and how cool the people who surround us are.

For example. Each Sunday morning, my mum will make homemade, literally fresh out of the oven, scones - table set, dishes out, jam ready ... everything is ready to go, and man will I miss that when I move out.

Secondly. This one really made me smile.

Each week at my church, because it is so little, there is a member of the congregation who 'leads'. The leader basically makes up the schedule for the service, asking people to read, pick hymns, lead choruses, sing, etc.

Frequently my family is asked to sing - God has blessed us with a musical talent which in turn blesses the church, but you can understand how these frequent requests get redundant and rather frustrating. Regardless, most weeks we get up without complaint and sing out His goodness.

This morning I woke up to the piano plunking away while my parents sang a hymn in practice for the service.

How many children have the fortune to grow up in a home that is musically blessing others with the glory of God? To spend time with parents who are constantly singing, joyful people? Who are surrounded with the worship that the angels utter and try to mimic His praise to our awe-deserving God?

I choose not to ignore that - so much in my routine that just isn't blessed enough.


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